Saturday, March 27, 2010

Crazy Oils and the new blog

I thought Tim was affectionately calling my essential oils, "Crazy Oil." Turns out he really thinks I am crazy. Too bad. I am going to blog about it anyway.

Read Band of Oils: The Essential Oil Experiment if you are at all interested in my dramatic journey to see if crazy oil can fix my depression, IBS, bladder issues, PMS, infertility and occasional case of bad parenting.

Fingers crossed.


Jill: I have to take back my new oils.

Tim: Why?

Jill: They're crappy.

Tim: Oh, the placebo in the other ones works better?

Camparison: Cheap Oil v. DoTerra

So, Lindsay called me yesterday and said, "Hey, they sell essential oils at the health food store. What's the difference? They are so much cheaper. Can we just buy those?"

I knew what Lizza would say. I knew what the DoTerra people would say, but I didn't really know. So, today I went to Good Earth food store in American Fork and bought 3 essential oils. I bought small bottles of Clove Bud, Peppermint, and Chamomile.

Well, the short story is: they suck. I'm returning them.

The long story goes like this: the first thing I noticed when I got home was what all three bottles say "For external uses only" in tiny letters on the side. Ah, that doesn't make sense. Isn't the whole game here the idea that the oils seep into your body and change your chemical make up? In my mouth or on my feet, it is all going in my body, right? Also, the external use red flag tells me that these oils are not safe for my kids and might have anything else in them. One bottle actually said 100% Pure Essential Oil, but the Web site said the Chamomile is mixed with another oil to make it cheaper. Dear me.

The other huge red flag for me was the smell of these oils. They did not smell pure. Now the DoTerra sales person said that a real essential oils feels like it goes right to your brain when you smell it. I thought she was full of crap until I tried it with the DoTerra oils, and it was totally true. I did not feel that way with these cheaper oils. That did not have the strong, pure and natural feeling.

So, basically, I am not comfortable with oils that I can not eat. I mentioned before that I am still trying to increase my faith that rubbing oil on my body does anything. So, of course, external use only is out of the picture.

I did not touch the cheap oils. I only opened the bottles, smelled them and read about them on various Web sites. I am going to try to take them back. The total cost of the three bottles was probably $24. Sweet. When I get my money back, I can buy an oil from Lizza.

I surrender.

Don't tell Tim.

Clove for teething

McKenna is teething, and so the next oil I want to try is clove oil on her gums.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Pretending for Quinn

Quinn has already started asking about the oils. Today I pretended to put some on my finger and then on her tooth like she asked. Worked like a charm, and I think her "tooth ache" feels better.

On my Feet

Today I tried rubbing Lavender on the bottom of my feet. I put it on the soft part above the heel because those are the reflexology points for the stomach, colon and intestines. We'll see. I could use a good trip to the ladies' room, but I think a big bowl of corn could take care of that too.


I had a root canal early in the week. That area of my mouth is starting to hurt again. I think there is something wrong with another tooth, and I think my jaw is still mad about the root canal. I really do not want more root canals, so I thought I would try some oils. I rubbed a little Lemon oil right on the gums in that area. Not sure if it will help. I am going to do it two times a day for a few days and see that the effect is. Of course, my mouth might have felt better in a few days anyway, but this pain it seeming different than what I have felt in the past after a big root canal. So I think it is a fair test.

Several Hours Later: Not sure if the oil did it, but the pain reduced in that area, and I was able to isolate exactly where the pain was coming from. One half of the tooth with the root canal was hurting.

Weeks later: I went back to the dentist. The one half of the tooth was chopping to hard down on the bottom teeth. They filed it down. I still have some gum pain that I thing is caused by a bad crown. I am going to try clove oil next.

First Taste

I ingested my first drops of oil when I got home. I put a drop of Lavender and a drop of Lemon into an oz. of orange juice. Dear me. I could taste that lavender .... for the rest of the day. I was burping lavender all night. It took a giant slice of chocolate mousse cheesecake to make it go away. But I thought it was funny, and it reminded me of my new quest for several hours.

First Oils

I bought my first 2 oils yesterday. I bought Lemon for about $10, and Lizza bought me Lavender for about $21. Lizza ordered them online, and I picked them up at DoTerra in Orem a few hours later on my way more from work. The oils cost more if I buy them as a customer of Lizza's as opposed to buying them on Lizza's account.

Tummy or Feet

For some reason, I totally believe that taking the oils like a pill in a little capsule will heal me like medicine but putting them on my feet or something like that is all witch craft. It is just a block in my thinking, so that is something I will have to learn more about and work on.

Little Bottles of Oil

One thing that has always stressed me out about essential oils is that the bottles are small and expensive. I think I have a phobia that they will spill. Well, I feel better now because at the party I saw that they have a little cap on them that basically allows only one or two drops to come out at a time. Suddenly the whole thing felt more doable -- just because of the little cap. Simple minds. Simple pleasures.

Tim and Lindsay

Tim mocked me to no end as I got only half way through my party/ oil story. So I called Lindsay, and she is more than happy to be my buddy and take this journal with me.

Lindsay suggested that she join as a consultant, and then she and I will both buy our oils from her account. We'll both get the discount, but we will not be part of the multilevel marketing.


I still hate multilevel marketing with a passion. Why can't this oil company just open a freaking store with smart sales people who work on commission? They could offer frequent buyer discount cards like Cafe Rio. What's the problem? It works for me.


Some people don't have pain. Their bodies function the way they should. Other people don't care about the pain and the long term effects of things. But I am not in this boat. If I want to feel 100 percent, have 100 babies, write 100 books, change the world and be President, I have to have continued control over my ills. That is what I want for myself.

I've been thinking about essential oils about once a month for a few years. They confuse me, and the minute people talk about them, the oils start to sound like magic pills. I grow skeptical. But I didn't come to earth with the strongest body; I gain weight, I don't get pregnant, I get knee and back aches, I have crappy teeth, I get depressed, I have horrible intestines, and I am constantly trying to feel better. So I don't have an excuse not to try essential oils. A few years ago I realized that the answer to my body is not traditional doctors or medicine. I have a message therapist/ magic chiropractor that has fixed a lot of my woes. I use yoga for a lot of physical and emotional pain, and I am convinced that my neti pot saved me from succumbing to the swine flu

So, it comes down to this: I got an email from Lizza about an essential oils party.

I hate "parties," and I hate the entire concept of multi-level marketing. But I trust Lizza to the core of my soul, and I knew it was time I start learning about essential oils. I went to the party, and fell in love with the possibility of treating my depression, bladder, stomach, intestines, and a few other pains with oils instead of drugs.

It is going to be a long process. I will have to do a lot of trial and error. I've started this blog to help me keep track of the progress and process of incorporating essential oils into my life. And, of course, I'll have to work the graveyard shift at a Seven Eleven to pay for it all, but I think it is worth it.